Faith of Jesus Christ

How old was Shem when he begat Arphaxad?

"I have a question and don't know shall I stick to scuh details or not, or it might be a translation question: How old was Shem when he begat Arphaxad? in Gen 5:32, And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And in Gen 7:11 when flood came Noah was 600 year old. But in Gen 11:10, Shem [was] an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood: Does this mean Shem only was 98 years old when flood came? But according to Gen 5:32 and 7:11, Shem should be 100 years old already. thank you."

Dear Sister:

Praise the Lord that you pay attention to details. You are right that most of translations including Chinese Union Version (和合本) and King James Version did not accurately translate Gen 11:10. So that’s why we need Faith Version (信實本):

(Faith Version) Gen 11:10 These [are] the generations of Shem: Shem begat a son at one hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:

In Gen 11:10: Shem begat a son at one hundred years old: the son was Elam (Gen 10:22). Arphaxad is the 3rd son of Shem. So when Arphaxad was born, Shem was 102 years old.

Make sense now? Praise the Lord that he is faithful and makes no mistake! Amen.

Published at 2015-09-13 23:02:00


“还有一点圣经细节问题,我不知道是否需要去纠结,或者说是翻译本身有问题,在创5:32 挪亚五百岁生了闪、含、雅弗。挪亚六百岁的时候发的大洪水,可是在创11:10 洪水以后两年,闪一百岁生了亚法撒,,那么洪水时闪只有98岁,可是按照前面,三个儿子至少都有100岁了吧,多谢”



(信實本)Gen 11:10閃的後代記在下面閃一百歲生子洪水以後二年生了亞法撒1

1 和合本譯作閃的後代記在下面洪水以後二年閃一百歲生了亞法撒

信實本中創世記11:10中提到:閃一百歲生子生的是以攔(Gen 10:22);亞法撒是第三個兒子,生於洪水後二年(Gen 11:10);所以閃生亞法撒時是102.




Published at 2015-09-13 21:53:00






這裡的『護衛』原文作 bb^s* (saw-bab) )的意思,如創2:11 『第一道名叫就是哈腓拉全...』中的環繞就是saw-bab 同一個希伯來文.所以在耶31:22中『女子護衛男子』也可翻成女子環繞男子』.這裡的環繞是四面八方的環繞,也就是包起來的意思.值得注意是,在原文中的女子hb*q@n+(nek-ya-baw)更貼切的翻譯應是女性(female)或童女(female child),而男子原文強調他的勇力,或作人子(man child).因此耶利米31:22預言,耶何華要做一件新事,就是軟弱的(女性)要包住剛強的(男性):有一童女要環繞(包起來)人子,這就是賽7:14因此自己你們一有童懷孕生子起名叫以馬內利就是 神與我們同的意思



Published at 2015-03-25 19:57:00

Believe: Passive or Active?

Dear Brother: Peace in the Lord. I have few questions and would like your help to answer:

  1. Believe (4100, verb): in New Testament, it appears 245 times. In Gospel of John alone, “believe” appears 99 times, which is about 40% out of 245 times. In Romans, “believe” appears 21 times. But Faith (4102, noun, which is the subject of the Faith Version: Holy Bible of His Faith) occurs 242 times in New Testament. In Romans, “faith” appears 40 times. However, in Gospel of John, “faith” was not used at all. Why so?

  2. “Even the righteousness of God [which is] by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:” (Rom 3:22) The “believe” in this verse is active present tense. In Romans, it is frequently indicating that a man believes in active voice, for example, “Abraham believed God” (Rom 4:3) (however, in LXX Septuagint translation, “believe” is a passive voice.) From my understanding, according to the original text, the verb “believe” supposes to be in passive voice to convince the “subject” it associated. Thus Romans 10:10, kardiva/ gaVr pisteuvetai eij" dikaiosuvnh (for heart is believed unto righteousness) the verb “believe” here is passive present tense. So my question is: should a man “believe” in Christ in passive voice or in active voice? I believe that God's Holy Spirit moves a man to believe thus a passive voice. Would a active voice “believe” mean that a man was moved (passively) by Holy Spirit to believe first, then he believes “actively” afterward.

  3. In Romans 5:1, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:”, the “justified” is a passive voice past tense verb (justify, 1344, verb), similarly in Romans 3:28. However, in Romans 10:10, the verb “believe” is in passive voice present tense, the “justification” becomes a noun (dikaiosuvnhn, 1343, noun). Some commentary indicated that here the “believe” is a general statement thus recommended to translate into “it is believed” (A.T.Robertson). Similar to above questions, does the “justification” also has two stages of process as “believe”: to be moved by Holy Spirit to believe (passive) to be justified (passive) then actively believe and actively justify. If so, why the “believe” in Romans 10:10 is till in passive voice?

    In summary, the questions above are asking: our “believe” is a “passive” or “active” voice? our “justification” is an “action” or a “status”? From a sinner point of view, I don't think that a man can “actively” believe. Therefore I still cannot understand how can a man stay in the righteousness (if he cannot “actively” believe).

Last, when the Gospel of John mentioned that our salvation is because we believe, as I mentioned in the question 1, in Gospel of John, the verb “believe” appears only in active voice and present tense, but in Romans, the verb “believe” appears many times in passive voice. Would this indicate that the justification is through passive believe, but the salvation is through active believe? If so, then it contradicts with my 2nd question: “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness” (Romans 4:3) it is active “believe” and justified.


Dear Brother,


Praise the Lord Jesus Christ that he raised us from death!

We were dead in trespasses and sins (Eph 2:1).

Would a spiritual dead person believe in Jesus?

Would a spiritual dead person praise the God?

Actually the answer shall be very simple: No.


In Romans 10:10, the solution for the “passive” believe is in Genesis 15:6.


In English or Greek, there are only three voices for a verb: active, passive and reflexive.


But in Hebrew, a verb may have seven major voices (stems). In Gen 15:6, “he believed in the LORD”, the verb “he believes” (in Hebrew pronounced as Ha_Amen) is neither “active”, nor “passive”. It is “hiphil” stem. What is “hiphil” stem? Hiphil stem (voice) means: the hidden subject causes the subject to do the same. So in Hebrew, “he believed in the LORD” it means “(Jesus believes in the LORD causes) he believed in the LORD”. Jesus is the hidden subject and Juses is the only life that believes the LORD unto death! And Jesus gave his life (faith) to “he” (the subject) to do the same which is “believes in the LORD”. Therefore, when I say “I believe in Jesus”, in Hebrew (hiphil voice) that means “(Jesus/God/Holy Spirit) causes me to believe in Jesus!”


Paul is a Jew and when he was writing kardiva/ gaVr pisteuvetai eij" dikaiosuvnh (for the heart is believed unto righteousness) in Romans 10:10, he cannot find a “hiphil” voice in Greek. Therefore, Paul used the “passive” voice of believe to indicate “hiphil” voice that “the heart is caused (by Jesus/God/Holy Spirit/His Faith) to believe unto righteousness.


A patient was dying of kidney failure. A gentleman with loving kindness was willing to give this patient his own healthy kidney. After one week of a successful operation, a doctor congratulated the patient and said: congratulations! YOUR kidney function is normal now!

I would like to ask you a question: WHOSE kidney is this?


Jesus loves us. He saw we were dead (kidney was not functioning! faith is not working! not able to believe! already dead!) in trespasses and sins. He decided to die for us on the cross and paid for our sins. He then was raised on the third day and now he gave us his own life of faith. The Faith of Jesus Christ is actually the operation of God who has raised him from the dead. His Faith thus operates in us and causes us to believe in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Today He tells us: YOUR faith has saved you! (Mat 9:22, Mak 10:52, Luk 8:48)

I would like to ask you the same question: WHOSE faith is this? (Whose actively “believe” in the Gospel of John?)


In the Bible, the verb “believe” is neither active nor passive, it is “hiphil” the action of the ONE who is actively saving us even up to today! He is alive! Amen.


We are currently study Romans in our weekly Bible study, welcome to join us!


Published at 2015-01-12 01:53:00






第三,羅馬書51我們因信實稱義,這裡是一個簡單過去式的被動語態,這裡的稱義是動詞編號1344羅馬書328也是同樣的情況。而羅馬書10:10,這裡的相信也是被動,卻是現在時,而稱義卻是名詞,編號1343有解经书说這裡並非專指某一個特殊的人,應當翻譯為:it is believed A.T.Robertson






我們原是死在過犯罪惡之中(Eph 2:1).
Hiphil 的語氣是什麼呢?簡單的說就是:隱藏的主詞使顯明的主詞做同樣的動作.
Hiphil voice means: the hidden subject causes the subject to do the same.
In the Bible, the hidden subject is God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. So in Hebrew, if someone says “I believe in the LORD” it means: “Jesus believes in the LORD causes me to do the same which I believe in the LORD.” in short: when I said I believe in Jesus, in Hebrew it means Jesus/God/Holy Spirit causes me to believe in Jesus!
保羅是希伯來人,當他用希臘文講到人心裡『信』的時候,他找不到Hiphil的語氣,因為在希臘文中沒有 Hiphil 的語氣,所以保羅就勉強用了被動式:kardiva/ gaVr pisteuvetai eij" dikaiosuvnhnfor the heart is believed into righteousness, 其實保羅真正要用的是 Hiphil 語氣說:The heart is caused (by Jesus/God/Holy Spirit/His Faith) to believe into righteousness.
耶穌愛我們,看見我們已死(沒有腎功能!也沒有信的能力了!已經死了!)在罪惡過犯中,他就為我們死在十字架上,替我們頂罪,死後三天復活,並把他自己信實的生命給了我們,使我們從死裡復活,使我們信了神/耶穌/聖靈,今天他親自告訴我們:你的信實救了你(Mat 9:22, Mak 10:52, Luk 8:48)!

Published at 2015-01-14 04:46:00


Psalm 2:7 I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you.”


Dear Brothers and Sisters, when the LORD said to our Lord Jesus Christ “You are my Son; Today I have begotten you.” in this verse which date is “Today”? Monday? Tuesday?.... Saturday? Sunday? a day in the past? Or a day in the future?


Hebrews 4:6-7 It still remains that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience. Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."


In the old testament, God made a covenant with Israel through the observance of Sabbath day (Exo 20:8) in order to save them from their own labor and burden to enter His rest to be saved. But Israel did not obey His word (gospel), therefore they cannot enter His rest (salvation). The law of seventh day Sabbath failed. There is no not even one entering His rest (salvation) through observing the law of Sabbath. Therefore God again for his mercy set a certain day for His beloved children to enter His rest to be saved. Which date is that “certain day”? God calls it “Today”, he said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." (Psm 95:7-8) Dear Brothers and Sisters, if Today we hear his voice, and are cut to the heart (Act 2:37), then we shall not harden our hearts, let's rest our own work, obediently enter His rest. Today we shall be born again from Holy Spirit and become His son.


Our God is God of Today. He said “I am who I am”(Exo 3:14). “I am” in the original text is not only the present tense but also the present progressive tense. In the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no past tense: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone. The new is here! (2Co 5:17) In the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no future tense: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Mat 6:34) In the Lord Jesus Christ, there is only Today Now: Jesus answered him, “Truely I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luk 23:43)


Dear Brothers and Sisters, today let us call upon the name of our saviour Jesus Christ who loves us to the end and died for us unto the cross, now let us pray to Him to give us the life of resurrection. For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. (2Co 6:2) Oh, Lord, if you are willing, then Today I am able to rest my own work, and Now I am able to enter your rest. May you hear my voice, Oh, Lord, may you speak to me according to your promise: "You are my Son; Today I have begotten you.” Amen! Hallelujah! Thank you, Abba, Father.

Published at 2014-04-26 23:23:00


诗篇2:7  ‘受膏者说、我要传圣旨.耶和华曾对我说、你是我的儿子、我今日生你。’
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们, 当神对我们的主耶稣基督说‘你是我的儿子、我今日生你。’中的‘今日’指的是那一日呢?周一?周二?....周六?周日?过去的某一天?还是将来的某一天?
旧约中神与以色列立约,要以色列守安息日就是第七日(出埃及记20:8)为要救他们脱离自己的劳苦重担好歇了自己的工进入安息而得救,但因以色列人不肯听从神的话(福音),他们就不得进入神的安息(救恩).第七日安息日的律法失败了,因为没有人靠着行安息日的律法进入安息而得救的!于是神又限定一日好让他的儿女可以在那一日进入安息而得救,那一日是那一日呢?神说:‘今日’,他说:‘你们今日若听他的话、就不可硬着心。’(诗篇95:7-8) 亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,我们今日若听他的话,觉得扎心,就不可硬着心,当歇了自己的工,顺服地进入他的安息,今日就从圣灵重生,成为他的儿子.

Published at 2014-04-26 20:07:00


詩篇2:7 膏者說我要傳耶和華曾對我說你是我的兒子我今日生你


親愛的弟兄姊妹們, 當神對我們的主耶穌基督說『你是我的兒子我今日生你中的『今日』指的是那一日呢?週一?週二?....週六?週日?過去的某一天?還是將來的某一天?




舊約中神與以色列立約,要以色列守安息日就是第七日(出埃及記20:8)為要救他們脫離自己的勞苦重擔好歇了自己的工進入安息而得救,但因以色列人不肯聽從神的話(福音),他們就不得進入神的安息(救恩).第七日安息日的律法失敗了,因為沒有人靠著行安息日的律法進入安息而得救的!於是神又限定一日好讓他的兒女可以在那一日進入安息而得救,那一日是那一日呢?神說:今日,他說:『你們今日若聽他的話就不可硬著心(詩篇95:7-8) 親愛的弟兄姊妹們,我們今日若聽他的話,覺得扎心,就不可硬著心,歇了自己的工,順服地進入他的安息,今日就從聖靈重生,成為他的兒子.






1 Heb 4:7稱為今日 shvmeron, 和合本省略此句

2 Exo 3:14 我是我所是 hy\h=a# rv#a& hy\h=a# 和合本譯作我是自有永有的King James Version: I AM THAT I AM


Published at 2014-04-26 19:59:00

True God

Whether a person believes in God or not, deep in his/her heart, he/she might from time to time reason something releated to God.

No matter you know there is a God or not, but in this world there is indeed a true God and false gods.

Here is an interesting description of a false god:

Psm 115:4-8 “Their idols [are] silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; [so is] every one that trusteth in them.”

Then you might ask, how about the true God? How to tell the true God from a false god? Actually it is easy to tell the true God from a false one: the true God only gives and does not ask for return: the true God gives us life, the true God gives us air, the true God gives us sun, the true God gives us water..., He will not ask us to pay for the air we breathe, He will not ask us to pay for the sunshine we enjoy, ...., the true God only gives, because everything is His, if He indeed needs something He does not need to tell us, but there is one thing He would delight to have: that's our thanksgiving:

Psm 50:7-15: Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against thee: I [am] God, [even] thy God. I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, [to have been] continually before me. I will take no bullock out of thy house, [nor] he goats out of thy folds. For every beast of the forest [is] mine, [and] the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field [are] mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world [is] mine, and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.

Dear brothers and sisters, when we did not kown our Lord Jesus Christ, we did no thank Him, nor called upon His name. But now we know Him, the only true God, we should thank Him for all He does: He not only gave all his creation but also even He Himself to us: He died for our sins on the cross, and for our life He resurrects on the third day! Amen, Hallelujah! Now we not only glorify in your praise, O Lord, but we aslo need to call upon your name all the time, because you promised us that “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Amen! Hallelujah!

Published at 2014-04-12 16:47:00


诗篇 115:4-8 他们的偶像、是金的银的、是人手所造的。有口却不能言.有眼却不能看.有耳却不能听.有鼻却不能闻.有手却不能摸.有脚却不能走.有喉咙也不能出声。造他的要和他一样.凡靠他的也要如此。
那您或许会问: 那真神呢?如何区别真神和假神呢?其实真神和假神是很容易区分的:真神只给不要,真神赐给我们生命,赐给我们空气,赐给我们阳光,赐给我们水…..他不会向我们要油香钱,不会向我们要牛羊,….. 真神只给不要,一切都是他造的, 都是他的,他若需要什么,他也不须要和我们说,若他真要向我们要一样东西的话,那或许就是我们对真神的感谢了:
诗篇 50:7-15我的民哪、你们当听我的话.以色列阿、我要劝戒你.我是 神、是你的 神。我并不因你的祭物责备你.你的燔祭常在我面前。我不从你家中取公牛、也不从你圈内取山羊。因为树林中的百兽是我的、千山上的牲畜也是我的。山中的飞鸟、我都知道.野地的走兽、也都属我。我若是饥饿、我不用告诉你.因为世界、和其中所充满的、都是我的。 我岂吃公牛的肉呢.我岂喝山羊的血呢。你们要以感谢为祭献与 神.又要向至高者还你的愿.并要在患难之日求告我、我必搭救你.你也要荣耀我。
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,在我们还不认识主耶稣时,我们不懂得感谢,更不会求告他.如今我们认识了主耶稣基督,唯一的真神,我们理应感谢他为我们所作的一切,他不仅将所造的万物赐给我们,甚至将自己的命也给了我们:就是为我们的罪,死在十字架上,并为我们的生命,死后三天复活!阿们,哈利路亚!如今我们不仅要靠感谢他夸胜,更要时时求告他,因他答应过我们: ‘我必搭救你.你也要荣耀我’阿们! 哈利路亚!

Published at 2014-04-12 15:52:00
